Saturday, May 10, 2008

no longer Running On Empty

Yesterday I saw Lauren and we spent the afternoon playing with boxes, candy, ribbon and a glue gun to make party favors for the wedding guests. We were talking about life as PhD students, and she said something to the effect of 'You've really slowed down since college, and you seem a lot happier.'

This is both funny and scary - because I feel like I'm plenty busy at the moment, but it's true. Looking back, I can see how when I was younger I took pretty much everything that came my way, sometimes indiscriminately, in the process of learning and also because I kind of didn't know better. And now, with experience and a greater understanding of who I am, I am able to see more clearly, think more rationally, and make choices and decisions about what I want in my life and what I really want to be involved in.

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