Friday, July 11, 2008

Let It Go: Advice from a Leo

I taught the worst class of my entire life yesterday. And have I mentioned that the class is two hours long? I won't go into detail, but I arrived already feeling flustered and it went downhill from there. I was really upset and frustrated and angry with myself when I left, and when I found myself laying in bed still thinking about it at 1am I called a friend on the west coast to vent and get it off my chest. His advice:

'It sounds like you need to let it go.'

Me: Uh, yeah. But how?

'Put it in perspective. It's a few hours in one day of one class in one year that's just one part of grad school.'

Me: Hmmm...

'And when they ask questions that go beyond the basic knowledge you have of material that's outside of your field, it's perfectly reasonable to say 'That's an excellent question that's beyond the scope of this class' or 'I'd like to know the answer to that too - can anyone look into that and report back to the class?' And if they ask you questions that you should be able to answer it indicates you're not as prepared as you need to be and so you should work on that.'

Me: But I feel like a bad teacher and that as college students paying for this class, they deserve better. I'm dreading going back on Monday

'You're what they've got. And Monday is a fresh start.'

Me: This makes a lot of sense. I don't feel like it's such a big deal anymore. Thanks, I think I can fall asleep now.

It's so interesting to see how people can have different reactions to/perspectives on the same event depending on their personality and general outlook. I'm especially intrigued by this after my astrology reading earlier this week - my friend is a Leo, a sign that exudes confidence as naturally as the rest of us breathe. I'm a Cancer with Virgo rising, the two biggest worriers and self-critics of the zodiac (anyone surprised?) More thoughts on this to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.