Sunday, August 17, 2008

Clarification and Clarity

Let me clarify - I am too old to be teaching a night class that meets two hours a night, four days a week, filled with sprightly 19-21 year olds who are at the peak of their day instead of ready to have a drink and unwind like I am at 6pm. But the class is over and I received some very nice emails from a few students and certainly learned a lot from this teaching experience.

It was also really tough for me to teach on top of working on my dissertation and planning for my upcoming trip. A classic case of 'Catherine thinks she can carry three times her body weight' where I manage but barely. This weekend was the first since the month of MAY that I didn't have to prepare any lessons for the upcoming week.

I spent a lot of time this weekend meditating and doing yoga and am feeling SO much better than I have in the past few weeks. When, when, when will I learn that I have to keep up these practices daily? Because I really can't function at 100% if I don't. So, that is my goal for the upcoming two weeks as I get ready for my big trip. I'm feeling inspired and motivated about attaining whatever I feel so passionate about after watching the intense focus of my new boyfriend, who just won eight gold medals at the olympics.

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